If you are traveling with a large number of suitcases or you need to transport your personal belongings, take advantage of a convenient service from Elite Royal Cars and order a separate luggage transport. We’ll take care of the delivery and move your belongings just in time. Elite Royal Cars has expanded its range of services and provides a unique service – luggage transport. It is not only profitable, but also convenient offer for all customers.

Our new service will be useful in the following cases:

  • You are traveling with large luggage that simply won’t fit in a regular cab;
  • You’ve done excellent shopping, thanks to which you have a few extra suitcases;
  • You need to transport your luggage around town or take it to another location and you can’t possibly be accompanied by a taxi.

We will provide a spacious car depending on the weight of your luggage. We have a Mercedes Sprinter in our fleet for carrying lots of things. When you order the service, we conclude a contract, in which the driver’s personal responsibility for the safety of his/her luggage is written down. We guarantee that all luggage will be delivered to your destination at exactly the specified time.